To: CCFMRAC Board Members and Officers, CCFMRAC Members, CCFMRAC Volunteers
From: Mel Bacon, CCFMRAC Executive Director
Good morning everyone…
I want to take a moment and personally “Thank” each of you for your work and dedication towards the success of the CCFMRAC. Since our “Sneak-Peak Program” a few weeks ago, and yesterday’s “Car and Tractor Show”, I believe all of us sense the growing excitement towards our museum being fully open. Certainly, this does not happen without the work and input from many! A big part of yesterday, for me, was spent speaking with many visitors…answering their questions and listening to their supportive ideas for our success. But I also observed all of the hard work and time that each of you donate, both past and present, that has been instrumental in getting this site, its buildings and its displays ready for public viewing.
Upcoming on June 22nd and July 12th, both Mary McCleary and Betty Moore will be presenting an Ag Education program for two different Cub-Scout camps…one in Cecil County, the other in Newark, Delaware. On Thursday, June 24th, we also will be attending a meeting with Mary Cooper, the Town Administrator of Cecilton, to discuss how we could increase our involvement in the southern part of Cecil County.
Thank you, to all again, for your many contributions to the CCFMRAC …
Mel Bacon